Brand History
The company was founded by Dr. Rong Qu at 2017, when he discovered that American ginseng had helped him recovered from anxiety and chronic-fatigue caused poor-quality-sleeps and provided him with the benefits of higher energy level, mentally calm, emotionally balance,strong immunity and overall general wellbeing. His mission becomes to bring those wonderful products, in which its benefits couldn’t be provided by modern western medicines, to help more people who are in need.
As a western medicine trained doctor from a traditional Chinese medical family, Dr. Rong Qu believes in that the western medicine’s standards are the key for Chinese herb efficacy, those standards including: high concentration of medicinal ingredients, high absorption rate and optimized dosage. Using those as basic guideline, all G-pharma’s GinEx products are produced following those standards. In addition, GinEx products are all Health Canada licensed and produced by GMP-certified pharmaceutical company in Canada.

Mission Statement
Our mission is to innovate the American ginseng market by bringing new generations of high-potent, high-concentration and high-quality American ginseng products to the global markets.

Sourcing & Credibility
We source our ginseng only from local farmers of Ontario Ginseng Growers Association in Ontario, Canada. Only 4-5 years premium ginseng roots are used to produce our ginseng concentrate.
The clean air, abundant water source, huge differences in temperature between winter and summer, and nutrients rich golden sandy soils in southwestern Ontario help to ensure the high quality of Ontario’s ginseng. Ontario-grown ginseng is considered by the ginseng industrials to be the most potent and powerful of all ginseng varieties, closely mimicking all the sought-after properties of wild-ginseng.